Centrifugal fan 4-72A sawdust conveying dust exhaust fan

The 4-72 series centrifugal fan can convey air and other non-hypergolic gas that is harmless to the human body, and non-corrosive to the steel. No sticky substance is allowed in the gas, and containing dust and solid particles shall be less than 150mg/m3. The gas temperature shall not exceed 80°C. The fan is characterized by favorable aerodynamic performance, stable operation, low vibration, high efficiency, and long service life. It is extensively used for indoor ventilation in industrial and mining enterprises, large buildings, hotels, and restaurants.

Air volume:884m³/h-20513m³/h
Rotating speed:760r/min-2900r/min

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The 4-72 series centrifugal fan can convey air and other non-hypergolic gas that is harmless to the human body, and non-corrosive to the steel. No sticky substance is allowed in the gas, and containing dust and solid particles shall be less than 150mg/m3.The gas temp-erature shall not exceed 80°C.The fan is characterized by favorable aerodynamic performan-ce, stable operation, low vibration, high efficiency and long service life. It is extensively used for indoor ventilation in industrial and mining enterprises, large buildings, hotels and restaurants.

Carbon steel shell
High hardness volute, porous design can not only prevent dust but also reduce noise, it is safer to use.

Internal analysis

The built-in cooling fan of the motor cools the motor through the impeller when the motor is working

Product details

The motor has a built-in cooling fan, large-diameter air inlet, nameplate identification

Technique parameters:

Equipped with motor model Equipped with motor power
Rotating speed
Flow rate (m3/h) Total pressure (Pa)
2.8A Y90S-2 1.5-2Single-phase 220 2900 1131-2356 994-606
1.5-2Three-phase 380 1131-2356 994-606
3.2A Y90L-2 2.2-2Single-phase 220 2900 1688-3517 1300-792
Y90L-2 2.2-2Three-phase 380 1688-3517 1300-792
Y90S-4 1.1-4Single-phase 220 1450 884-1758 324-198
Y90S-4 1.1-4Three-phase 380 884-1758 324-198
3.6A Y100L-2 3-2Three-phase 380 2900 2664-5268 1578-989
Y90S-4 1.1-4Single-phase 220 1450 1332-2634 393-247
Y90S-4 1.1-4Three-phase 380 1332-2634 393-247
4.0A Y132S-2 5.5-2Three-phase 380 2900 4012-7419 2014-1320
Y90S-4 1.1-4Single-phase 220 1450 2006-3709 501-329
Y90S-4 1.1-4Three-phase 380 2006-3709 501-329
4.5A Y132S2-2 7.5-2Three-phase 380 2900 5712-10562 2554-1673
Y90S-4 1.1-4Three-phase 380 1450 2856-5281 634-416
5A Y160M2-2 15-2Three-phase 380 2900 7728-15445 3187-2019
Y100L-4 2.2-4Three-phase 380 1450 3864-7728 790-502
5.6A Y100L-4 3-4Three-phase 380 1450 7062-9885 957-759
6A Y112M-4 4-4Three-phase 380 1450 6677-13353 1139-724
6.3A Y110L-6 1.5-6Three-phase 380 760 4420-8841 498-317
Y132M-4 7.5-4Three-phase 380 1450 7729-15485 1256-789
7.1A Y160M-4 11-4Three-phase 380 1450 12676-20513 1573-1168
Y132S-6 3-6Three-phase 380 760 8392-13581 689-512


        Model             A         B         C         D        E        F         G        H       I       J       K       L   
3.6A 3KW-2P 360 400 248 288 348 722 450 360 415 252 312 604
4A 5.5KW-2P 410 507 274 320 380 798 550 400 470 280 340 675
4A 1.1KW-4P 410 507 274 320 380 798 550 400 470 280 340 675
4.5A 410 507 306 360 440 903 600 450 512 315 395 710
7.5KW-2P 410 507 306 360 440 903 600 450 512 315 395 710
4.5A 480 560 340 400 480 997 700 500 568 340 420 900
1.1KW-4P 480 560 340 400 480 997 700 500 568 340 420 900
5A 15KW-2P 480 600 378 445 525 1110 730 560 640 392 472 960
5A 2.2KW-4P 480 600 378 445 525 1110 730 560 640 392 472 960
5.6A 3KW-4P 480 640 405 480 560 1186 765 600 670 420 500 960
5.6A 480 640 405 480 560 1186 765 600 670 420 500 960
18.5KW-2P 500 662 425 500 580 1186 855 630 710 440 520 1030

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