Three Major Reasons For Mandatory Installation Of Fresh Air Systems in Europe And The United States

According to statistics, the current penetration rate of fresh air systems in European and American households has reached 96.56%. What a concept! ? At present, only 1% of newly-built houses in my country are equipped with fresh air systems. It can be seen that there is still a big gap in the utilization rate of fresh air systems in my country compared with European and American countries.

In Scandinavia, a country that pays attention to quality and energy saving, the central ventilation system (VMC) has existed for 50 years.

In the 1970s, more than 90% of newly-built houses in Spain were equipped with central fresh air systems.

The German Standardization Organization (DIN) published the revision of the second part of DIN1964 “Ventilation and Air Conditioning: Technical Hygienic Requirements” as early as the middle of the last century. In Germany, the residential ventilation system has been integrated into the building and has become an indispensable important component.

The Clean Air Act, enacted in 1970, set legal maximum limits for each air pollutant. In 1989, ASHRAE in the United States formulated the “Indoor Air Quality Ventilation Specification”. Today in the United States, the installation of fresh air systems indoors has become a necessity for life. In 2005, the annual sales of fresh air systems in the United States exceeded 21 million units.

In 1956, the British government promulgated the “Clean Air Act” for the first time. In 1968, another Clean Air Act was promulgated. In 1974, the “Air Pollution Control Act” was introduced. In 2001, the City of London issued the “Draft Air Quality Strategy”. From 1977 to 1999 in the United Kingdom, the sales volume of fresh air systems in the UK has exceeded 75 million units, and 97.81% of households have installed fresh air systems. Basically, every household is enjoying fresh air systems.

In 2000, the EU unified residential ventilation standards. In Europe, the fresh air system has become an inevitable choice for the development of building technology, and people have long been inseparable from the fresh air system.

Do you know the reason why the installation of fresh air is mandatory in Europe and the United States? Why is the penetration rate of fresh air systems in homes in Europe and America so high?

Impact of London Smog Event in 1952

Beginning on December 5, 1952, the continuous days of heavy fog in London caused the death toll in London to reach 4,000. After December 9, due to weather changes, the toxic smog gradually dissipated, but within two months after that, nearly 8,000 people died of respiratory diseases due to the smog incident. The health hazards and mental fears of the air pollution to the British people are unprecedented, and they are beginning to realize the adverse effects of air pollution on human health.

1. European families pay attention to air humidity

Developed countries in Europe and the United States, while attaching importance to economic development, will not ignore the importance of healthy air to human health, and for them, having a healthy body is often more desirable than inexhaustible money. Families in North America, Europe and other countries have high requirements when installing air replacement systems, not only the number of air replacements, the cleanliness of air filtration, but also the adjustment function of air humidity (humidification or dehumidification), especially in cold Increase humidity regulation in dry areas (during heating period).

2. Air pollution induces various diseases

People spend about 80% of their time indoors. Many indoor air pollutants are irritating gases, such as sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde, which can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin, causing symptoms such as tearing, coughing and sneezing. More seriously, living in polluted air for a long time can also cause decreased respiratory function and aggravated respiratory symptoms, and some can also lead to chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema and other diseases. will increase. Some common viruses and bacteria-caused diseases such as influenza, measles, tuberculosis and other respiratory infectious diseases will spread indoors through the air.

3. Reduce indoor CO2 content

Carbon dioxide is one of the culprits of global warming outdoors, and one of the main causes that cannot be ignored is the impact on human health and driving safety concerns indoors. In life, carbon dioxide is a gas that human beings produce all the time but are often ignored.

Changes in the lifestyle of the public, especially modern people are afraid of noise and the outdoor air quality is poor. In order to isolate noise and enjoy the comfort and convenience brought by the air-conditioning system in living space or office space, people keep indoor windows sealed for a long time so that the indoor carbon dioxide concentration The content is much higher than the average outdoor value, and there are medical reports that sleeping in an air-conditioned room for eight hours in a row, due to the lack of convection in the air, will help the breeding of dust mites, and there will be “sick building syndrome” (Sick Building Syndrome) such as nasal congestion and red itchy skin in the morning Syndrome).

Keeping the indoor CO2 content below 1000ppm is an important reason why European and American countries must install fresh air systems. In recent years, the domestic air pollution situation has become increasingly serious. For the sake of personal health, the awareness of the popularity of fresh air systems has to be enhanced. In the near future, we are also expected to install fresh air systems in every household.