How to improve the efficiency of high pressure fan?

Improving the efficiency of high-pressure fans can greatly save energy costs for users. Without changing the fan hardware, what methods can the user use to improve its efficiency?
1. Wiring specification

A high-pressure fan is a device with a high electrical load. When installing a high-pressure fan, a separate wire needs to be configured to meet the requirements of the voltage used. If the wiring requirements and specifications cannot meet the use requirements, the high-pressure fan itself cannot pass current normally, and naturally cannot meet its use power, and the hardware should meet its requirements.

2. Reduce wear and tear

As the usage time of the high-pressure fan increases, the main parts and connecting parts of the fan will wear out. In order to reduce wear and tear, the operation should be strictly in accordance with the use requirements, and the critical load should not be exceeded. For some vulnerable parts, it needs to be replaced immediately after reaching a certain replacement time.

3. Periodic inspection

The regular inspection of high-pressure fans includes two parts, namely regular maintenance and daily dust removal and cleaning. During normal use, the user should try to keep the high-pressure fan clean, especially some parts exposed to the air for a long time. The blades and casing of the fan need to be dusted. If the blades are not cleaned for a long time, the rotation balance will be lost and the overall efficiency will be reduced.