Future Analysis of Fresh Air System in China

1. With the improvement of living standards, people no longer worry about food and clothing. More and more people begin to pay attention to health problems.


2. The overall air quality in China is not optimistic due to problems such as factory emissions and automobile exhaust. The problem of PM2.5 in most cities is a severe test.


3. The frequency of exposure of indoor decoration pollution is on the rise, and the elderly and children are the most vulnerable groups.


4. Relevant national policies have been issued: Recently, relevant departments have successively issued a series of industrial specifications for indoor air pollution, formulated clear standards for various indicators of indoor air quality of new residential buildings, and proposed to vigorously promote the new air system in future residential construction, so that the concept of healthy indoor air can reach the hearts of the people.


“Rigid demand” analysis of fresh air system


Four prerequisites to maintain life: sunshine, air, water and food; If there is no air, you can only live for 3 minutes. In China, the number of deaths caused by excessive formaldehyde generated by decoration pollution has reached 111000, and about 304 people are killed every day, which is roughly equivalent to the number of people killed by car accidents every day in the country. According to the statistics of relevant departments, the causes of death of more than 1 million children under the age of 5 in China are directly related to the newly decorated houses.


60% of the houses cannot achieve effective ventilation due to various reasons;


70% of pregnant women’s abortion is related to indoor air pollution;


80% of the households decorated with harmful substances such as formaldehyde that exceeded the standard did not dare to move in immediately;


90% of children with leukemia have had luxury decoration at home, and 2.1 million children die of luxury decoration every year;


The number of deaths caused by indoor air pollution reaches 111000 every year;


Data sharing in the new wind industry


According to the Report on the Consumption Survey and Development Prospect Analysis of China’s Environmental Electrical Appliances, the household fresh air system that has been popularized abroad has not yet appeared in Chinese households. In some big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the penetration rate is less than 15%, in some provincial capitals and second and third tier cities, the penetration rate is less than 10%, and in rural areas, there is almost no such system. However, the publicity and guidance of relevant institutions and media, Now is the best time for market introduction.


It is reported that the potential of fresh air system in China’s civil market is at least 168 million units. According to insiders, the penetration rate of fresh air system in European and American households has reached 96.56%, and the potential consumption scale in China has reached 1700 billion yuan.


According to the media survey, the average profit margin of the foreign fresh air system product agency industry is 49%, which is far higher than the social average profit level. The global sales volume was 12.5 billion US dollars in 1997, exceeded 32 billion US dollars in 2004 and reached 76 billion US dollars in 2008. In the United States, Japan, Britain and other developed countries, the proportion of this industry in the gross national product has reached 2.7%. Although the global market is developing rapidly, the industry in China has not really started yet. In the next few years, the fresh air system industry will be in a rapid growth period.


Experts predict that in the next five years, its share in China’s GDP will also reach about 1.5%.