Future Analysis Of My Country’s Fresh Air System

1. The improvement of living standards makes people no longer worry about food and clothing, and more and more people start to pay attention to health issues.

2. Due to problems such as factory emissions and vehicle exhaust, the overall air quality in China is not optimistic. The problem of PM2.5 in most cities is a severe test.

3. The frequency of indoor decoration pollution problems being exposed is on the rise, and the elderly and children are the most harmed groups.

4. Relevant national policies have been promulgated: recently, relevant departments have issued a series of industry norms for indoor air pollution, and have set clear standards for various indicators of indoor air quality in new residential buildings. Promote the fresh air system to make the concept of indoor air health deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Fresh air system “rigid demand” analysis

There are 4 necessary conditions to sustain life: sunlight, air, water, and food; without air, you can only survive for 3 minutes. In China, the number of deaths caused by excessive formaldehyde caused by decoration pollution has reached as many as 111,000, and about 304 people die every day, which is roughly equivalent to the number of people who die in car accidents nationwide every day. According to statistics from relevant departments, the cause of death of more than 1 million children under the age of 5 across the country is directly related to living in newly renovated houses.

60% of the residences cannot achieve effective ventilation due to various reasons;

70% of pregnant women’s miscarriages are related to indoor air pollution;

80% of household decorations with formaldehyde and other harmful substances exceed the standard and dare not move in immediately;

90% of children with leukemia have had luxury decoration in their homes, and 2.1 million children die every year due to luxury decoration;

The annual death toll caused by indoor air pollution is as high as 111,000;

Xinfeng industry data sharing

According to the “China Environmental Electrical Appliances Consumption Survey and Development Prospect Analysis Report”, the family fresh air system that has been popularized abroad has not yet appeared in Chinese families. The penetration rate in provincial capitals and second- and third-tier cities is less than 10℅, and there is almost no rural area. However, with the promotion and guidance of relevant agencies and media, it is now the best time to introduce the market.

It is reported that the potential of fresh air systems in my country’s civilian market is at least 168 million units. According to industry insiders, the penetration rate of fresh air systems in European and American households has reached 96.56%, and the potential consumption scale in China is as high as 1.7 trillion.

According to media surveys, the average profit rate of foreign fresh air system product agency industry is 49%, and the profit level is much higher than the social average profit level. Global sales in 1997 were US$12.5 billion, exceeded US$32 billion in 2004, and reached US$76 billion in 2008. In developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom, the proportion of this industry in the gross national product has reached 2.7%. Although the global market is developing rapidly, the industry in China has not really started yet. In the next few years, the fresh air system industry will be in a period of rapid growth.

According to expert forecasts, within the next five years, its share in China’s gross national product will also reach about 1.5%.

Based on the above points, the development of the fresh air system is certain, and the development prospects are very promising.

We can’t change the atmospheric environment right away, but we can make decisions about the air quality in our home right away!