How to better use the centrifugal fan?

The use of the centrifugal fan starts from its startup. Sometimes there will be a problem that the startup fails or the startup time is relatively long. There are many reasons for this situation. If the motor does not move, check the set value of the safety mechanism; if the rated power of the motor is too low, replace the motor; if the starting procedure is incorrect, adjust the starting equipment; if the power consumption is too large when starting, verify Whether the gas flow control mechanism is in the closed position when starting; if the rotor is stuck, turn the fan by hand to check and investigate the cause of the sticking (friction, obstacles, etc.); if the voltage at the wiring of the motor is too low , check the power line voltage – if the loss is too large, increase the power line.
Many times users will find that the impeller is always consuming energy in vain. The gas circulates through the leakage between the front cover and the collector. The gap that must be maintained is between the front cover of the centrifugal fan and the collector and between the casing and the shaft. The sex that spins with a reliable fan. This can alleviate this phenomenon to a large extent.
The problem that often occurs in the use of centrifugal fans is the vibration of the fan. It is not a simple matter to solve this problem fundamentally, but it is a better way to reduce the speed of the fan, and the conclusion of this method is also significantly. However, it is still necessary for the user to judge which method to use according to the specific conditions of the fan used in order to be more reasonable.